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New Virus Tackle -Deadly Double Jab Droppers

New Virus Tackle -Deadly Double Jab Droppers


Product Information

Virus Tackle
Deadly Double Jab Droppers
These ready and easy to use rigs feature 2 x rubber octopus (1 x lumo , 1 x UV enhanced) on a 60lb double dropper with a Jigging Master Fallings 130g or Diamond Eye Jig as the weight attractor!
This set up will resist getting snagged as the jig will reach the bottom before the hook rigs.
Each octopus has 2 x needle sharp Virus Tackle 'Jab' hooks hidden amongst the legs to catch any fish that has a nibble!
The rigs length is 60cm (+ jig) and features 3 x super strong crane swivels to reduce tangles/
These rigs are deadly on all types of reef fish, snapper, red snapper, nannygai , kingfish, samson fish, grouper, cod, etc
The 70g Diamond Eye Rigs are $16.95. 130g Fallings are $17.95
These are a limited stock item , so get jabbed before it's too late!!