Shimano Lures - Ocea Trick Bait
Shimano Lures - Ocea Trick Bait
Product Information
Shimano Scorpian Ocea Trick Bait
High Quality - Made In Japan
Realistic Eyes and Features
Cast It - Jig It - Krank it
Work it in all depths
Unique tow point for maximum action
- wind it fast, pause then jerk the rod
to give the 'wounded baitfish' flutter
Brings agresive strikes from all predatory fish!
Note - Only # 3 features treble hooks.
Trick Bait # 1 - 90g 14cm
- Hybrid real scale baitfish
Trick Bait # 2 - 29g 11cm
- Gold scale pattern
Trick Bait # 3 - 29g 11cm
- Ayu scale pattern
Trick Bait # 4 - 41g 11cm
- Red Head with Owner trebles