Shimano Twin Power SW
Shimano Twin Power SW
Product Information
Shimano Twin Power SW
The Shimano Twin power SW reels have been my personal favorite for many years , and this latest range takes the series to a whole new level!
High quality , high performance Super Smooth Japanese manufactured saltwater spin reels with up to 11 Bearings. The latest Shimano TwinPower SW is stronger and more durable than ever. The inclusion of Infinity Drive reduces handle rotation torque by a maximum of 30% when compared to the previous series. Heat Sink Drag features in the 10000 and 14000 sizes to reduce the amount of heat transferred to the drag washers and line during the fight. The X-Protect seal and labyrinth structure repels water intrusion, with the line roller and clutch assembly, the mechanism is ten times more durable according to internal Shimano testing. The Shimano Twin power SW reels have been my personal favorite for many years, this latest range takes the series to a whole new level!